
About the

Offerings Community

"So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary lives—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around lives—and place them before God as an offering."
Romans 12:1 (Message)

Who we are

The Offerings Community seeks to take that encouragement from Romans 12 seriously. As a community, we seek to lay our lives before God as a collective offering – a living sacrifice. We are one of three distinct worshipping communities that make up First United Methodist Church in Lexington, KY.

What We Believe


We believe Christian unity is developed as we encourage one another, celebrate with one another, mourn with one another and serve one another with the gifts that the Spirit gives us and through the exercise of pastoral care, accountability and discipline.


We believe God makes us holy through the various means of grace including the Scriptures, communion, prayer, worship and the practices of simplicity and generosity.


We believe God compels and empowers us in outreach (compassion, justice and advocacy) and witness (evangelism and church planting).

What we do


We believe the Church exists to spread scriptural holiness throughout the land. We’re devoted to doing that through intentional discipleship and by creating new places for new disciples.

We believe discipleship leads to people becoming pastors or apostles – people who serve and lead in the church and the world. That doesn’t mean we expect everyone to become a church staff member or missionary. It doesn’t mean we believe everyone should go to seminary or be ordained. It does mean we think everyone is created to be used by God in ministry – whether that be teaching, or providing pastoral care for others, or sharing the gospel with new people, or starting a new faith community.

In everything we do, you’ll see that. We believe a number of people are gifted to lead in worship, so you’ll see a number of people giving leadership in our weekly worship. The leaders of our catechesis groups are all serving as pastors in our community, and one of the goals of those groups is to develop more pastors. In our service in the world, we assume that a number of people are gifted to lead us in witness to a lost world and outreach to a broken world.

To see more about how we are working to make disciples, see our pages on Worship, Growth in Catechesis Groups, and Service in the World.

Ages & Stages

The Offerings community values intergenerational worship, discipleship and service, which means that all ages are welcome in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings. However, we also recognize that sometimes age-specific environments are a great way to disciple children, so we offer nursery, pre-K, and K-3rd Sunday morning worship when meeting in person.

First-time guests will complete an information form so that we have medical information for your child and contact information for their grownups. On subsequent visits, families can check their children in using our electronic check-in system which prints an adhesive security tag for both child and grownup. This system tracks attendance and helps us ensure safety at pickup time.

Outside of Sunday mornings, we offer childcare for most adult discipleship opportunities and provide several short-term preteen discipleship groups throughout the year. For more information about children's ministry, contact us here.


Children from six weeks of age up to age three love our nursery, where they receive care from a consistent, paid staff caregiver plus a loving volunteer. We play, we eat a simple snack, and enjoy a simple sacred circle time.


Children age three (by Oct 1) up to Kindergarten enjoy a structured worship and play time in the room adjoining our nursery. Volunteers lead this ministry, which includes a snack, a Bible lesson, worship songs, and craft activities.

K-3rd Grades

Children in K-3rd grades sit with their families in the sanctuary at the beginning of the service. After the singing, children wanting to attend Kids' Worship receive a blessing and are escorted to the worship room. During Kids' Worship, volunteers lead an intentional worship time that includes prayer and prayer requests, Scripture, Bible memory passages, songs, and games.

Children in Kids' Worship return to the Sanctuary for communion at the end of the service. Parents are encouraged to pick up nursery and pre-K children if they desire at this time. All ages are welcome at the communion table.

4th Grade & Up

Beginning in 4th grade, children attend the entire Sanctuary worship service. In addition, these preteens are invited to serve their community in an apprenticeship, where we pair them with a trusted adult who will supervise and train them in an area of service such as hospitality, A/V operations, liturgy, worship coordination, or children's ministry. For more information about apprenticeship, contact us here.